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Progress on Site - Work continues on the Xindian Meteorological Station

in Taiwan


Design Exhibition - In association with Jaguar Kyoto

atelier BORONSKI presented BUILT+ UNbuilt works. 


Design Approved - After a rigorous design process the design for a high specification 500 m2 house near Kobe has been approved. 

Detailed documentation will now commence....


Ground Breaking Ceremony in Taiwan - The Mayor of New Taipei City

speaks at the ceremony and construction begins on the 

Xindian Meteorological Station in New Taipei City, Taiwan


Recent Awards - Atelier BORONSKI has been awarded Architect of the Year 2020.


Working with UZ Architects and IMO Design atelier BORONSKI received the award for the design of the Xindian Meteorological Centre in New Taipei City, Taiwan.

This project is now under construction.


New City Villa completed!


New City Villa - under construction.


Recent Publication - The Xiafu Community Center is on the cover of 

Architizer - The World's Best Architecture.


Design confirmed - House + Cafe in Miki city, Hyogo.

New City Villa is under way!


Construction completed - Hotel Refurbishment, Hokkaido

Structural Up-grade and Interior re-design is completed for one wing of a 400 room hot-springs hotel in Hokkaido.


Under Construction - Hotel Refurbishment, Hokkaido

Structural Up-grade and Interior re-design is under way as part of the on-going redevelopment work for a 400 room hot-springs hotel in Hokkaido.


Recent Awards:

Atelier BORONSKI has won “Best Of Design” 2018 on Houzz®, the web platform for home  design and renovation. Our boutique Kyoto based design firm was chosen by the more than 40 million users that comprise the Houzz community, from among more than one million building, and design professionals. 


Recent Awards:

Atelier BORONSKI with IMO Design and Urdaneta Zeberio have won the ''Golden Pin'' Best Design Award 2017 for the Xiafu Activity Center, Taiwan.


There were over 7000 entries in several categories from US, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Germany... 


Recent Awards:

Atelier BORONSKI with IMO Design and Urdaneta Zeberio have won the ''2017 FIABCI-Taiwan Real Estate Excellence Award in the Construction Quality category for the Xiafu Activity Center, Taiwan.



Kyoto University: Lecturer

Peter Boronski joined staff and 4th year students to discuss the merits (and demerits) of recently completed student projects….


Recent Publications:


Xiafu Community Center on the cover of the July edition of the Taiwanese national Architecture Journal.


Recent Publications:


Xiafu Community Center on Television in Taiwan


Opening Ceremony in Xiafu City Community Center, Taiwan

Friday the 2nd of June is the official inauguration day for the community center we designed (with IMO Architects) in Xiafu City, Taiwan. In typical Taiwanese style, it will be a colorful vibrant event with a local TV news crew in attendance..


Hotel Lobby - Hokkaido

Main Lobby carpet (420 m2) designed and installed as part of the on-going redevelopment work for a 400 room hot-springs hotel in Hokkaido.


Riverside Villa Completed  in Kyoto

We have completed a steel framed 3 and half story residential project in Kyoto...


Progress on site:


Xiafu City Community Center, Taiwan

Almost completed.


Gallery Completed in Kyoto

We have just completed a gallery project in Kitayama, Kyoto. It is a  retail and display space for the art of traditional Japanese incense. 


Construction Begins:


Riverside Villa in Kyoto City


Progress on site: 


Xiafu City Community Center, Taiwan


Master Planning - 400 Room Hotel Refurbishment, Hokkaido

We have completed the Master Planning for the refurbishment of a 400 room Hotel in Hokkaido. A comprehensive 60 page design and data upgrade document that maps out the vision, concepts,strategies and concrete proposals to re-organise and re-invigorate this landmark Hot-Springs hotel. 


Progress on site in Miki City.

Harra Dental Clinic almost complete.


Ground Breaking Ceremony: Xiafu City, Taiwan

 After six month developing the design and negotiating the construction details the mayor of New Taipei City and many others joined in the ceremony to mark the beginning of the construction of the new Xiafu city community center.

Here is a link to see the ceremony on Taiwanese National Television →


Construction Underway: Dental Clinic in Miki City, Hyogo

 A glimpse of the double height lobby space - Total of 10 month construction.


Recent Publications:


Detail in Contemporary Staircase Design 

The Staircase in T-HOUSE is now published in a book  ‘Detail in Contemporary Staircase Design’ by Paul Barton. This book presents the best 40 recently completed staircase designs, found in homes, galleries, shops, hotels, public buildings and offices across the world.


Design Competition in Taiwan: First Prize

Atelier BORONSKI working with the Spanish team of LS Architects and Urdaneta Zeberio has been awarded First Prize in Taiwan for their design of the New Taipei City Meteorological Station and also for their design of the Xiafu Community Cultural Center.

The Met. Station includes various laboratories, an instrument calibration center and a 40 meter wind-tunnel test machine. The Community Center includes a main hall, class rooms, performance spaces and rehearsal rooms. The local architect for these projects is Koan Design.


Silvano Stables Equestrian Centre completed.

A clubhouse, stables and a dressage ring completed in Kameoka, Kyoto


The Wall Street Journal

The T-House is published in the Wall Street Journal, Asia and USA Edition, under the title ‘Upending Tradition in Kyoto’


Working in China

Atelier Boronski has begun the Concept Design stage for a 240,000 m2 mixed-use commercial development project in Rizhao City, Shandong Province, China. Retail, Commercial and Residential elements with parking below.


Recent Publications: Villa K2 in Russia

Villa K2 is published on the Russian Interior Design web-site - Salon 


Himeiji Pre-School Design Competition:  Second Prize:

atelier BORONSKI (working with Kyoto 2111) are awarded the second prize for their proposal for a 1000 m2 pre-school facility for 100 children to be built in Himeji Prefecture.


Teaching Assistant:

Working with 3rd year student’s at Seika University. (Tanaka Laboratory with Doi Hideo + Inoue Masahiko)


International Design Competition:

Jean-Loup Baldacci and atelier Boronski have just completed their proposal for a new National Library in the city center of Helsinki, Finland.


International Conference + Workshop:

In February 2012 Akihisa Hirata, Yoshida Shuichiro and Peter Boronski were invited to present their works at the UNIBE Conference at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Santo Domingo, Dominica. Yoshida and Boronski stayed on to take a one week studio work-shop (with over 100 students) to design a prototype low-cost shelter. Yoshida Shuichiro had won an international design competition for such a prototype and had received funds from the government for the construction.


Recent Publications:

The New Taipei City Art Museum is published on the cover of the German architecture journal WA, and also in Spain, Korea and China.

2011/05 – 2011/10

International Design Competition – First Prize

In May 2011 the Governor of New Taipei City, Taiwan, invited design proposals for a 50,000m2 multi-purpose Art Museum for his city. Apart from storage, maintenance and display spaces for a wide variety of artworks, additional requirements included a library, lecture hall, art classrooms, restaurants and retail spaces. There was also a significant requirement for energy efficient strategies to be incorporated. And of course the building had to have broad public appeal – bringing art and lifestyle together through recreation, education, exhibition and tourism.

This was a two stage competition, and in the first stage there were 294 entries from 61 countries. In August three finalists were selected, Kengo Kuma & Associates from Japan, Frederico Soriano Pelaez from Spain and atelier BORONSKI + Jean-Loup Baldacci. In the second stage we were invited to develop our proposals further and then go to Taiwan in October to present to a panel of seven international judges (from Taiwan, Holland, Japan and England).


First prize:  atelier Boronski + Jean-Loup Baldacci.

Second prize:  Kengo Kuma and Associates.

Third prize:  Frederico Soriano Pelaez


Recent Publications

The T-House (Kyoto) is published on the cover of Architecture journals in Korea and India, (as well as in journals in Italy, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore).


Syracuse University Visit:

Staff and students from Syracuse University (NY) USA visit the office of atelier BORONSKI and visit the T House. The discussion is about defining that ephemeral quality of ‘Japanese-ness’ in modern design….

2011/01 – 2011/06

Real Architecture

During the first half of 2011 atelier BORONSKI were invited to work with Real Architecture on a multi-unit residential development in Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam. 125 high quality Town Houses were designed within a beautifully landscaped site on the edge of the city. Clubrooms and swimming pools were also part of the complex. The design work began with shaping site contours for storm-water management, planning primary infrastructure and roading, landscaping (with planting, water features and lighting) and then the design of six different building types arranged to create a diverse but efficient master plan.


Domus Web

The T-House (Kyoto)  by atelier BORONSKI is published on Domus Web: On the 28th of September in a news report by Giulia Guzzini the T-House was featured on the Domus Webpage.

2010/07 - 2011/01

Nikken Sekkei

During the second half of 2010 Peter Boronski was a consultant to Nikken Sekkei in Osaka. Specifically recruited to work on the design of the new campus for the Indian IT company Infosys, in Chennai, India. The work comprised preparation and development of schematic designs for three high-rise buildings with a total floor area of 98,000 m2. Particular attention was paid to achieving high levels of natural day-lighting (without glare) and high levels of thermal performance.


Recent Publications:


The T House is published on the web in Poland.

  T h i n k i n g   o u t s i d e   t h e   s q u a r e ?                    H o w   a b o u t   l i v i n g   o u t s i d e   t h e   s q u a r e .

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